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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Worship Goes Out

Last night I was relaxing and reading the scriptures. After this, I felt some words from God concerning our worship come to me and I now feel the need to share them. I ended up tweeting them so I apologize for the shortness in which they are structured but here they are:

  • As we heal from our hurts we must heal others. As we work for justice around us we find it for ourselves. 
  • If we don't see our worship including service & solidarity with those around us then we are missing the point of worship.
  • Church is not about me. It's about us, all of us, as reconciled & adopted children of God. How can we not reach out worship?
  • There comes a time when we no longer focus on our own healing but move into the lives of others. In this we are all built up.
  • Many of our apologies will go unknown. This is sad. Thankfully, none are ever unknown to the Creator who restores those we hurt in the past.
  • Confess as much as you can. Reconcile as much as you can. In it all, trust the God who makes all things right. He prevails.

God almost meant for his people to be a people who were rooted in love so that they might bring all people to God. It was never about Israel alone. She was supposed to bring other nations into the fold instead of growing an ego. It's not about the Church alone. She is meant to serve the world and not piously escape it. It's not about anything or anyone being alone. It's about reconciling the entire world back to it's Creator. Our worship exists when we love one another throughout the week and as we celebrate on Sundays as well as when we interact with the world around us day to day. 

Colossians 1:19-21 states, "For in him [Jesus Christ] all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross."

How is your worship? Is it selfless? Does it go out beyond yourself? Beyond comfort? Does it bring others into reconciliation? Can you say with confidence each night "I worshipped fully today?"

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